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My dear Sir

I thank you for the kind solicitude expressed in your letter of the 3d.

I had imprudently mounted a young horse who started & threw me as I was riding him to my farm. I was much hurt but no bone was broken & I shall be able to attend the court at Raleigh to which place I shall set out the day after tomorrow.

The letters we agreed to copy are in progress; & I expect to carry them with me to Washington in February. I wish you would have some conversation with Mr Wayne respecting a second edition of the life of Washington. It would be well for Mr Weems to have a subscription paper for the letters & the life at the same time. I think we ought to reduce our Charge1 on the life to half a dollar instead of a dollar per volume. I should hope with this reduction & the diminished expense which I suppose printing must experience, that the second edition might be sold for two dollars a volume. especially if the number of pages should be some what reduced. Talk with Mr Wayne & write to me.

I am much obliged both to you & Mr Adams for the duplicate certificate. As soon as I could hold a pen I wrote to that gentleman & remitted him the money he had advanced for me. I congratulate you on the recovery of your health & am dear Sir affectionately your

J. Marshall

Source Note

ALS, ViW. Marshall addressed the letter to BW in Philadelphia. It was postmarked in Richmond on 7 November. BW endorsed the letter noting that it needed "to be attended to."

1. Marshall crossed out the word "tax" and replaced it with the word "charge."