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From George Dunn, 2 April 1813


Dear Sir

there is an account standing open in the day Book of Captain Mathew Sleght Late of this place dated the 30 day of November 1776 wich runs thus

["]General Washington                                           Dr

By a box of spermacity Candles weighing 35 pounds 5s per pound by his servant —£8:15..0["]

From Henry Brockholst Livingston, 8 June 1815

Dear Sir,

Mr Bruen1 will have the honor of delivering you this letter— This gentleman, who is one of our most respectable merchants, is on a visit to the State of Ohio, and is desirous of being introduced to a brother of yours who resides in that state Not having the pleasure of knowing your brother, I have recommended to him to call at Mount-Vernon in his way, & will thank you for a line of introduction. I am with great regard—your most obedient

To Jacob Herbert, 31 Oct. 1824



     Please inform me if you have sent down the dozen pine apple cheeses, as Mr Adams has not informed me of their arrival. I shall be much disappointed if they do not get down in time to go by the next packet which will sail in a few days. Let me know the price of them & I will immediately deposit the money to your credit in the Bank of Pennsylva. I am Sir Yr mo. ob. Servt

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