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From Henry Brockholst Livingston

Dear Sir,

Mr Bruen1 will have the honor of delivering you this letter— This gentleman, who is one of our most respectable merchants, is on a visit to the State of Ohio, and is desirous of being introduced to a brother of yours who resides in that state Not having the pleasure of knowing your brother, I have recommended to him to call at Mount-Vernon in his way, & will thank you for a line of introduction. I am with great regard—your most obedient

B: Livingston—

Source Note

ALS, NjR. Livingston addressed the letter to BW at Mount Vernon. BW did not endorse this letter.

1. Possibly either Matthias Bruen (1766-1846) or his brother James, two New York merchants whose company, M & J Bruen, had broken up the previous year (New York City Directory, 1815 and Mercantile Advertiser [New York,] 28 April 1814).