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To Joseph Story, 8 June 1825


My dear Sir

I now sit down to report to you the few decisions made during my last circuit. The Court at Phila. continued only two or three weeks in consequence of the sickness of Mr Binny who was concerned in almost all the arguable causes. The only Cases decided which may be considered as containing important principles are the two following.

To Lawrence Lewis, 26 Jan. 1810


Dear Sir

     The County Court of Fairfax has appointed Mr Moore to settle our executors accounts, and he will attend us h<mutilated> any time we wish. I wish it were possible that we <c>ould have a meeting previous to this business being taken up by the Commr in order to agree upon a mode of stating & in fact to state the general account. I am prevented by company from going to your house which I intended to do as soon as it should be in my power. Suppose you come down someday next week and dine with us, and let us devote the morning to this business.

To Unknown, n.d.


     The difference between the first sales & the resales upwards of $29000. The only prin. on which the revaluation of Russels property could be made was that Colo. W. was no party to the first. If he were & the proceed. obligat. on him the resales were not because to that he did not consent. If he were not, then the value of Russels prop. Shd be consid. as of the date of the orginial val. & of course int.

To Joseph Story, 22 Dec. 1823


My dear Sir

I returned home from my Circuit on the last day of Novr, since which, I have, as far as the various calls to which a farmer is exposed, have afforded me time for Study, been employed in preparing an opinion in the equity case of Conn. vs. Penn. the argument of which consumed nearly a fortnight of our last Term. I hope to make a final decree in this case in April, and never again to be plagued with it, unless an appeal should be taken.

To Joseph Story, 21 Dec. 1825


My dear Sir

At length I have got sufficiently released from more urgent business to enable me to perform my promise to forward you a report of the cases which came before me on my late Circuit. I think I sent you from Phila. printed statements of1 Pennock & Sellers vs. Dialogue & Courcier vs. Ritter— These will therefore be omitted from this letter.

To Henry Lee Jr., May 1810

Know all Men by these presents that whereas Henry Lee of Stratford in the County of Westmoreland by deed bearing date the twenty eighth of January seventeen hundred & ninety eight did grant bargain & sell unto me Bushrod Washington now of Mount Vernon in the County of Fairfax all that tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Westmoreland on Potomack river commonly called & known by the name of Cabin point then in the possession & occupation of Mrs Mary Smith during her life containing about eleven hundred acres or thereabout together with

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