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McCulloch vs. Girard

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“This was an action to recover the quarter-interest payable the 1st of October 1816, on $125,000, six per cent, funded stock of the United States, with interest from the 2d of October 1816, when it was received by the defendant, The declaration contained two counts, one upon a special agreement, which was fully proved by Mr Jones, and the other for money had and received to plaintiff’s use.

Toler vs. Armstrong

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“This was an action to recover upwards of $2,000, being so much paid by the plaintiff for freight, shipping charges, duty, charges of importation, appraisement, land carriage to Boston, law and other expenses, on certain goods shipped at St John’s in New Brunswick, in December 1813, for account of the defendant, in the schooner George, and consigned to the plaintiff to forward to the defendant, residing in Philadelphia.

Bushby vs. Camac

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“This was an action on the case brought to recover a balance due upon a judgment entered in the court of exchequer in Ireland, upon a bond and warrant of attorney to confess judgment, and also the amount of a note of hand for £300 sterling, which, by a settled account between the parties, it was agreed was to be paid out of the proceeds of a certain copper mine, in which these parties and others were concerned.

Beardsley vs. Torrey

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“Rule obtained by the plaintiff to show cause why the record in this suit should not be remanded to the state court, from which it was sent to this. This was, a writ of ejectment, brought under the act of assembly of this state, passed the 21st of March 1806, 4 Smith, 332, and the supplement thereto, 4 Smith, 476, by the plaintiff, against Seymour Spafford, the tenant in possession, for a tract of land in the county of Wayne.

Palmer & Co. vs. Archibald Gracie and Sons

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“This was an action of indebitatus assumpsit, to recover back $10,000 paid by the plaintiffs’ agents to the defendants, as freight, upon certain goods brought in the ship America, from Calcutta to Philadelphia, which the plaintiffs insist were not liable to pay freight . . . Upon the cases cited by the plaintiffs’ counsel, it was remarked, that none of them, except Hutton vs. Bragg, 2 Mass. 339. touch the question of liens, but merely the responsibility of the owners, for an alleged misconduct in the captain.”

Binns vs. Woodruff

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“Bill to enjoin the defendant from printing, engraving, etching, copying, publishing or selling a. certain historical print of the declaration of independence, which the plaintiff claims to have invented and designed at April term 1819. This case was before the court at April term 1819, and was then dismissed; it having been decided, that, although in patent causes the courts of the United States have jurisdiction when both parties reside in the same state, the same did not exist in cases of copy-right.

Dunham vs. Riley

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“Rule upon the plaintiff to show cause why he should not produce certain books, papers, and accounts at the trial of this cause . . . It was stated in the case of Bas vs. Steele, 3 Wash. C. C. Rep. 381, decided in this court, that to entitle the defendant to nonsuit the plaintiff at the trial, upon the ground of a non-production of papers, he must first obtain an order of the court, under a regular notice, that the papers should be produced. But the court did not decide whether such order must be absolute in the first instance.”

Glassell's Administrator vs. Wilson's Administrator

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“Rule to show cause why the levy and sale of the land under a venditioni exponas should not be set aside. Suit was brought by Glassell against James Wilson in 1797, and judgment was entered in 1798; soon after which, Wilson died, and administration on his estate was granted to Bird Wilson. In 1819 Glassell died, and a scire facias, to revive the judgment, was sued out in the name of Mr Swan, a citizen of Maryland, his administrator.

Ramdulollday vs. Darieux

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“The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, subject to the opinion of the court, upon the following case. On the 4th of December 181.1, Thomas Bedwell & Co. at Rio de Janeiro, drew a bill of exchange on William Nunn &. Co. of London, payable to the order of the defendant at three months sight, for £253. 6s. 6d. sterling, which he by the bill desired to be placed to the account of John Dayton, and in case of need, to apply to Messrs Coutts &, Co. This bill was indorsed to the plaintiff, a merchant at Calcutta.

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