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To James Monroe, 10 March 1815


Dear Sir

     Observing by the 4th Sect. of the act of April 18th 1814.c.134 that the Secretary of State is authorized to transmit certain documents by mail to the Judges of the Supreme Court of the U.S. directed to any post office they may respectively designate, I take the liberty to request that those intended for myself may be sent to the Alexandria post office at your convenience. I have the honor to be very respectfully Yr mo. ob. Servt

To James Madison, 26-27 July 1809



I have Just understood from a friend of Mr Edmund Lee of Alexandria,2 that it is his wish to fill the vacancy on the bench of the District Court of Columbia occasioned by the death of Judge Ducket. I have for some years past had the pleasure of more than a common acquaintance with this gentleman and believe that I may with perfect confidence safely introduce3 him to you as a sound lawyer, and a man of the strictest4 integrity. 

I have the honour to be with very great respect Sir yr. mo. ob. Servt. 

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