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The Schooner Abigail, Joshua Elwell Claimant

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“Information or libel of seizure for importing into Boston, from the province of New Brunswick, certain coal, which was not truly goods or merchandise of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the said province, contrary to the act of 15 May 1820, ch. 122, § 3. At the trial, the principal inquiry was, whether the coal was the produce of the province of New Brunswick; and the evidence on both sides was so contradictory, that the question, on whom the burthen of proof rested, became the turning point of the cause.”

Blount and Wife vs. Darrach

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“The bill states that the female plaintiff is the daughter of Daniel P. Knight, formerly of Philadelphia, county, who, on the 22d of April 1808, conveyed to James Darrach, Thomas Bioren, and John Bioren, a certain real estate in trust for himself for life, and after his death, to the use of his said daughter in fee tail; and in default of issue, to the use of the children of Michael Knight, and his sister Elizabeth, as tenants in common in tail; and in default of such issue, then to the use of said Daniel P. Knight and his heirs. That the said Daniel P.

Clarke et al. vs. Brig Dodge Healy, and Cargo

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“This case comes by appeal from the district court, where a pro forma decree, dismissing the libel, was given. The libel states that on the 24th of January last, the libellants, whilst in their oyster boats in the mouth of Back creek, in Delaware bay, saw the brig Dodge Healy drifting down the bay in a solid cake of ice, of about four acres in extent, from Cohanzey cove, about ten miles higher up the bay.

United States vs. Riddle

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“The defendant was tried by the same jury upon two indictments. One was for an assault committed at sea by defendant, master of the ship, on his mate, with intent to kill. The other for maliciously, and without justifiable cause, forcing the mate of his ship on shore at Batavia, a foreign port; and leaving him there.”

Benjamin B. Wisner, Henry A. Wisner, Barnet N. Wisner, Children of Polydore B Wisner, Deceased, and Henry Wisner, Son of Sarah, Plaintiff vs. Isaac Ogden, Administrator Pendente Lite of Elizabeth Barnet, Gideon and Ichabod Barnet . . . Defendants

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“This is a bill in equity brought by some of the next of kin of Oliver Barnet, according to the statute of distributions of the state of New Jersey, against the administrator of Elizabeth Barnes, the executrix of the said Oliver Barnet, appointed by the orphan’s court of this state, pending a controversy in that court concerning the validity of the asserted will of the said Elizabeth, and the rest of the next of kin of Oliver, the testator.

James Prescott and Another vs. Samuel Nevers and Others

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“Trespass for cutting down 4000 timber trees on lot No. 1, in the fifth division of lands drawn to the right of David Chandler, in the township formerly called New Suncook, now composing the towns of Lovell and Sweden, whereof the plaintiffs and defendants are tenants in common, against the statute of the 15th of March, 1821, ch. 35. Plea, the general issue of not guilty.

Kirkpatrick vs. White and Hazard, the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, &c.

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“This is a bill brought by a citizen of New Jersey against certain individuals, citizens of this state, and an incorporated society under the name of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, praying a discovery and relief against each. To this bill, the defendants put in a joint and several plea to the jurisdiction of the court, alleging that four persons, naming them, members and corporators of the said company, were, at the time of filing the bill, and of issuing the subpoena, and now are, citizens of the state of New Jersey, and residing therein.

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