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Artemis Stebbins vs. Michael Eddy

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“Bill in equity for a fraudulent misrepresentation in the sale of a farm, as to the quantity of land. The cause was argued by Randolph for the plaintiff, and by Hunter and Robbins for the defendant, at the last term; and the opinion of the Court was now delivered, as follows . . . This cause was argued at the close of the last November Term of this Court, and derives some of its interest and importance from the character of the parties, who are both clergymen, and the nature of the bill, which contains charges of fraud and misrepresentation.

Ebenezer Tyler and Others vs. Abraham Wilkinson and Others

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“Bill in equity to establish the right of the plaintiffs to a priority of use of the waters of Pawtucket river, &tc. The cause was argued at great length, at the last term, by Whipple and Webster for the plaintiffs, and by Cozzens and Searle for the defendants, at the last November Term, and continued for advisement to this term when the following opinion was delivered . . .

Postmaster General of the United States vs. William Furber and Another - The Same vs. Ansel Lathrop and Another

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“These were actions of debt, brought officially by the postmaster general upon bonds given for the faithful performance of his duties, by one Benjamin Whittier, late postmaster at Belfast, Maine, who is since deceased.

William B. Wallace vs. Thomas Agry and Others

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“Assumpsit. The principal circumstances were as follows. The defendants (who are citizens of Maine) were owners of the brig Diana, of which William Heddean was master. She arrived at Havana in the island of Cuba, and was consigned to the plaintiff (a citizen of Connecticut, but a resident merchant at Havana), by the master, to procure freight on a freighting voyage.

John Dunlap et. al in Equity vs. Amasa Stetson

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“This was a bill in equity, brought to obtain an injunction and general relief against a judgment rendered in this Court at May term, 1825, in favour of the present defendant, and against the present plaintiffs, for the recovery of a moiety of certain parcels of land. The original action was a writ of entry sur disseisin, upon a supposed disseisin of one William McGlathry, under whom the plaintiffs derived title as tenants of the freehold.

John F. Ohl vs. The Eagle Insurance Company, May Term, 1827

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“This cause was tried at the last term, and the facts, as they appeared at the trial, are reported in the former report, page 172. A motion was afterwards made for a new trial, and was argued at the present term, by Loring for the plaintiff, and Webster for the defendants . . . The bill of sale was in their joint names; the ship’s register, and the oath taken by Ohl at the custom-house, all establish the same fact.

The Postmaster General of the United States vs. Reeder

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“This case comes before the court upon a writ of error to the district court. It was an action of debt, brought in that court in the name of the postmaster general of the United States against the defendant, as one of the sureties of Charles Rice, postmaster at Trenton.

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