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Edward Lowber vs. William Shaw

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 “Assumpsit by the plaintiff as payee of a bill of exchange drawn at Philadelphia, by one Edmund Roberts, on the defendant, at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The bill was dated 12th of May, 1827, for $500 payable to the plaintiff or order, at four months, for value received ‘being the amount of one share and interest in the cargo of the brig Mary Ann.’ The declaration contained three counts. 1. On the bill as an accepted bill. 2. For money had and received. 3. For money laid out and expended. Plea, the general issue.

United States vs. An Open Boat, Bucknam, &c. Claimants

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“Libel of seizure against an open boat and her lading, seized in fact at Eastport on navigable waters for a violation of the laws of the United States, on the 4th of January 1828, by the collector of the district of Passamaquoddy. At the trial in the District Court, a decree of condemnation was pronounced against the boat and all her lading, except 7 barrels of flour, 2 barrels of pork, and 13 bags of meal, for default of any claim.

United States vs. Thomas Grush

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“Indictment against the prisoner for an assault on one Neil Lemon with a dangerous weapon, and with an intent to kill, founded on the act of Congress of 1825, ch, 276, § 22. The indictment contained several counts, in some of which the offence was alleged to be committed on the high seas, and in others in Massachusetts Bay. The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was convicted of the offence by the jury.

United States vs. The Schooner La Jeune Eugenie, Raibaud and Labatut, Claimants

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“This was a libel against the schooner La Jeune Eugenie for being engaged in the slave trade. By an act passed by the Congress of the United States on the 2d of March, 1807, the importation of slaves into any port of the United States was prohibited after the 1st of June 1808; the time limited by the constitution of the United States, beyond which slaves could not be imported.

Postmaster General of the United States vs. William Furber and Another - The Same vs. Ansel Lathrop and Another

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“These were actions of debt, brought officially by the postmaster general upon bonds given for the faithful performance of his duties, by one Benjamin Whittier, late postmaster at Belfast, Maine, who is since deceased.

William B. Wallace vs. Thomas Agry and Others

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“Assumpsit. The principal circumstances were as follows. The defendants (who are citizens of Maine) were owners of the brig Diana, of which William Heddean was master. She arrived at Havana in the island of Cuba, and was consigned to the plaintiff (a citizen of Connecticut, but a resident merchant at Havana), by the master, to procure freight on a freighting voyage.

John Dunlap et. al in Equity vs. Amasa Stetson

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“This was a bill in equity, brought to obtain an injunction and general relief against a judgment rendered in this Court at May term, 1825, in favour of the present defendant, and against the present plaintiffs, for the recovery of a moiety of certain parcels of land. The original action was a writ of entry sur disseisin, upon a supposed disseisin of one William McGlathry, under whom the plaintiffs derived title as tenants of the freehold.

John F. Ohl vs. The Eagle Insurance Company, May Term, 1827

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“This cause was tried at the last term, and the facts, as they appeared at the trial, are reported in the former report, page 172. A motion was afterwards made for a new trial, and was argued at the present term, by Loring for the plaintiff, and Webster for the defendants . . . The bill of sale was in their joint names; the ship’s register, and the oath taken by Ohl at the custom-house, all establish the same fact.

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