To Caleb Parry Wayne
Mount Vernon Nov. 10th. 1803
Dear Sir
The first vol. will be copied this month & if it were not necessary to take another copy for Mr Morgan it would be immediately sent on. I expect however that the delay from this circumstance will not be considerable. I shall write Mr Marshall upon the subject & will let you know when you may expect it. The 2d vol. Mr M. will bring with him to Washington in February.
I have written to Mr Morgan that as we have but one set of the maps we cannot furnish him with them as they belong to you, but advised him to speak to you & see if any arrangement could be made respecting them so as to answer his purpose. I presume that he can get engravings from your plates which will entirely answer his purpose. At any rate we cannot make any engagement respecting them. –
I fear that in consequence of Weems's desertion & your having sent no other person into the Southern States to obtain subscriptions that the chance of extensive sales there will be lost. I should calculate more upon those states than all the others together, excluding the towns. – This is a subject worthy of your immediate consideration & your interest I think clearly points to prompt measures for acting upon it. – I am Dr Sir very respectfully & sincerely yrs
Bushrod Washington
ALS, PHi: Dreer Collection; Address on verso: "C.P. Wayne Esq Philadelphia"