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From Caleb Parry Wayne

Dr. Sir.

By a Mr. Wessels of Baltimore, who goes to that city in the Mail Stage of this day, I have sent to the care of Mr. G. Hill, Bookseller, Minots History, in 2 vols. with a request that he will immediately forward them, to Alexandria, as directed. I have written to David Poe Jun. P. Master Up. Marlboro Md, Four times & cannot get an answer from him relative to the Sunscribers he has obtained. This day I shall take a house for my Office. I have made a [illegible] contract for a Supply of Paper. Mr. Morgan has written to you. Can you appoint a time for me to meet Gen. M. at Washington, to receive the Copy. I am extremely Sorry to inform you that there is great reason to believe the Yellow Fever has got among us from N.Y. Several persons from that City have died with it here & one or two of our Citizens, have recd. their death in consequence. I fear the consequences. I have taken lodgings at Germantown in Case in the event of flight. My respect to Mrs: Washington & family yours &c

Source Note

ALS, PHi: Dreer Collection