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Lawrence Augustine Washington to Bushrod Washington and Lawrence Lewis


     yours of the 13th inst. is recd. I take this early opportunity, to give my consent, to your acceptance, of Genl Lee's proposition, (as detailed in your letter) respecting the dismal swamp property, he purchased, of the late Genl Geo. Washington. I am satisfied, the interests of the legatees will be promoted thereby, & consequently, approbate the course, you wish to pursue. I am Gentn with respect &c.

Lawe A. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. Lawrence A. Washington addressed the letter to "Bushrod Washington & Lawrence Lewis Esqrs. near Alexandria. On the cover is written, in an unidentified hand, "Winchester Va May 21."

     1. The date on the manuscript was mutilated, this was taken from BW's annotation on the cover.