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From Lawrence Lewis

Dear Sir,

     I have search'd every paper, both of my own & of the Estates & cannot find Lee's Bond or contract I have also look'd amongst your paper to no purpose— I will recollect having given you the bond & Contract at the time we determined to bring suit a gainst Genl Lee for the Amt— did you never put these papers into the hands of a Lawyer for this purpose.

     When last in the City Mr Bassett spoke to me of his Deed & Account, I send you the blank deed you gave me also a rough statement of his A/c made by yourself— I shall tomorrow acknowledge the deed to Mr Thornton— I send a statement of Genl Lee's account with the Estate. I am Dr Sir affectionately and sincerely yours

Lawe Lewis

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. Lewis addressed the letter to BW in Washington. A note on the cover, in Lawrence Lewis's hand, reads, "Since writing the within I was requested by Mr John Washington to assist him in looking for the Suffolk papers, in looking for those papers. I am glad to inform you I found Gen. Lee's contract & Bon[d] wich will be sent you with this & the Suffolk papers."