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From Elizabeth Willing Powel

Directions for making Muffins

     Take a fresh Egg beat the White, & Yolk together to a good frothing, then add a Pint of warm new Milk, and thicken it with the best Superfine Wheat-Flour until it is, so stiff a Batter as can well be beat, add a large Table Spoonful of good Yeast, and Salt to your taste, beat it altogether until it is very light. It will then take two hours to rise in a warm place. Bake the Muffins on a flat-Iron such as is generally used to bake Buckwheat Cakes. The Iron should be greased with sweet Lard, when one side is done, trim the Muffin with a flat Piece of Board properly shaped for the purpose.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. Elizabeth Willing Powel addressed the letter BW "With Mrs Powels best wishes."