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From John Augustine Washington

My dear Bushrod

     I hope it is unnecessary for me to recommend to your Philosophy and good Sence, fortitude and Christian patience under misfortunes, especially those inflicted by Providence, it may be unnecessary on another ground, as tales of Woe are generally rapped in their progress, before this reaches you, you may have heard of the untimely and accidental death of yr poor Brother Augustine—a young Man at Delemear Academy trifling with a loaded gun she went of, and yr Brother setting before the fire recd the whole load in his breast of which he expired in a few minutes, this Acct was transmited us by express on the 11th Inst— this unhappy affair was too much for your Mamas weakly frame to bear with any degree of Fortitude— She is unhappy to the last degree, and altho her grief has in some measure abated, there is nothing will bring her mind into any tolorable state of tranquillity but seeing her Children— I have already sent a Servant and Horses for Corbin, and as soon as boats can cross Potomack, Mr Nevison sets of for Baltimore and Philadelphia by whome this letter you under cover to Mr Powel, should Mr Nevison stay in Baltimore more then a day or two he is desired to send it fo<mutilated>— I shall have a Servant a<mutilated> Horses in waiting for you at Mr Danl Grants in Baltimore, where I would wish you to come as quickly as you can, you will obliged to make use of the Stage to that place, and if possable bring all your things with you, as Mr Nevison will have a Vessel comeing round from Baltimore to potomack with goods as soon as the Ice breaks up, and it will be a fine conveyance for them— Make use of the money arising from the Sales of all four hhds of the Tobo, but bring the Acct of Sales that your Aunt and Mr Butler may have credit and recieve there money from me here— You will be under the necessity of applying to some Friend either to advance what small sums you may be owing, or become answerable till a remittance can be made— I have wrote to Mr Danl Grant of Baltimore (at whose house I would have you put up) desiring should you stand in nead of any small advance to bring you on, or for any little equipment you may stand in nead of, to make it, and send the Acct of such advanc as well as for the charge of the Horses and Servant and that I would remit him the money, I hope he will comply with my request if it should be necessary to make the application— I have sent your List of Books to Colo. Saml Smith of Baltimore who is a whole sale importer, there being no chance to obtain them in the Country, he is pressed to send for them by the first Ship that Sales— I am <mutilated> Bushrod your <mutilated> Aff. & Lovg Father

John Auge Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. John Augustine Washington directed the letter to BW at "Mrs Gibbins's in Philadelphia."