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From John Augustine Washington

My dear Bushrod

     My letter by Mr Nevison, of an old date, (occasioned by the impossibility of crossing Potomack) has undoubtedly reached you before this, and renders it unnecesary to repeat the unhappy circumstances there related— Jerry is a day later in setting of for Baltimore to meet you then was intended from the circumstance of bad weather and very unecpected— possalby he may be in time as I do not know when Mr Nevison reached Baltimore, and through whose means you were to recieve my letter— Mr Nevison rode a saddle of Billy Washingtons to Baltimore which I was to have had if wanting for you— if you do want it you are to have it—but as you wrote me you did intend to purchase perhaps you may not— if so it may be left— in my letter by Mr Nevison I wrote you that I should send a letter to Mr Danl Grant to furnish the Servant and Horses, and if any little advance should be necessary, for equipment, and traveling expences, to make it and transmit the Actn to me which should be most punctually paid— I have no doubt but he will comply with my request, but if I should be mistaken, Mr McClure, Colo. Saml Smith, or either of the Mr Purviances Saml or Robt will do this small favour for me.

     I would wish you to reach this place as soon as you can so as not to run risks, indainger your health or injure yr horses— we are all well but your presence would contribute greatly to your Mothers tranquility— I am my dear Bushrod Yr Most Aft. Father

J. A. Washington

     Your Brother Corbin got to this place abt 14 days past, he is very well but is greatly in want of a hatt, I wish you would get him provided with one in Baltimore and bring it with you, and if there is any Silver plated Buttons to get me as many as will be necessary for a suit of Clothes,1 the Coat will be lapelled— these are only to be purchased in case you have, or can obtain money easily, my letter is dated the 10th but the boy will set of this being the 11th and how he is to go on god knows for it is now raining & the ground exceedingly miry— I have provided you with some very good broad Cloth for a Suit of Clothes—possably Buttons may [be] necessary.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. John Augustine Washington directed the letter to BW "at Batlimore," "By Jeremiah."

1. JAW wrote "provide" here but crossed it out.