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To John Fitzgerald

Dr Sir.

     The Captain of the Boat who delivers this, will return directly to Mattox Bridge and will offer a very, safe and speedy Conveyance for my chest and other articles from Philadelphia if fortunately they should have arrived— If they should not, you will much oblidge me by taking the earliest opportunity of sending them down— The articles which I left to be sent from Philadelphia, were 1 Chest—1 Saddle Box—1 Hatbox—1 Umbrella—1 Sword stick— I am with Esteem Dr Sir your Obt H. Servant

B. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW directed the letter to "Colo. Fitzgerald Merchant in Alexandria—" by "Mr Bartlet." Multiple calculations appear on the cover in an unidentified hand.

1. BW originally wrote the date as the 2d, but wrote over it.