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From Lund Washington

Dr Sir

     It is so with me that my pasture have crops of Wheat or Oats within the fences that prevents my havig the free use of them until after Harvest, this will oblige me to put your Horse within an Inclosure where he may, if he is a jumper pester me there being Grass ground for Mowg where the fence is not very sufficient adjoing, yet I coud not think of sendg him back to you— When I see Mjr Washington I shall tell him he shoud furnish you with pasture they havig great Quantitys of Land inclosed for that purpose I shall make no charge while the Horse is with me & I presume the Mjr woud never think of makeg you pay for pasture shoud he furnish it—am Sir yr very Hbl. servt

Lund Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. Addressed to "B. Washington Esqr Alexandria"