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From Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton

     Many thanks my friend for the letters forwarded to me by Judge Livingston, most of the drafts marked on my list I find in the Original Also to Shew how desirious my Hamilton was that these measures should be adopted that he believed would be of Service to the Country he drafted the famious speach that was so celebrated and delivered in the house of representitives by Mr Smith of South Carilina yourself and two or three others only know how much he did and accomplished for our Country but I trust a few years will give to the world the exertions he made I have heard of your haveing been at Trentown why did you not Cum on to New York you would have been very gladly received and now more happy than my family, the Annual meeting of the Bible society will soon take place I wish you may cum on I have a plenty of Room for you and Mrs Washington if you can preval on her to Accompany you and as I am some thing of a farmeress I can Accomd[ate] your Horses, How is Mrs Lewis and family and your Amiable Neice, enclosed is a little embroidery you will think it odly shaped, but she will know how to Arrang it Compliments to Mr Herbet I hope he is teaching his fine little boy his letters and as I am shure he has a grea[t] deal of Capacity it will be his fathers fault if he does not make him a very fine fellow have you fair prospect as to the Garden affair the hott house plants I hope are in good health my series has expired and my precious plant that I got from Mr Lewis Looks very sick, Adieu remember me to Miss Brown and your amiable Herberts, with great Esteem

E. Hamilton

My William is charged with this he is on his way to Illinois now <illegible> endevour to be a great Man if he Chuses, recollect how he <illegible>ed him I shall miss him very much, but to the Care of providence I <illegible> him.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.