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From John Mercer Patton

Dear Sir

     A few days ago a motion was made by the Counsel of Alxander in the case decided at the last term of Alxander vs. Washington the Object of Which was to obtain from the Chancellor at the present term, a certificate against damage being awarded in that case against the Sum for which the Injunction was dissolved upon the ground that the omission to make such a certificate at the last term was a mere inadvertence either in the Court or the Counsel of Alxander This motion was of course overruled But the Chancellor stated there certainly ought to have been such a certificate and that the Object could be obtained either by bill of review or Injunction My object in writing to you is to suggest whether you had not better Waive the damages than subject yourself to the Costs & inconvenience of either of these remedies. Your most obt servant

Jno. M. Patton

Source Note

Copy, in B. F. Herbert to BW, 26 Sept. 1825, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers.