From Urbain Batrier
Philadelphea A—out 12th 1822,
Je take le Libertie of writing to vous— Je have heard of vo-tre Character in Louisiana, Where vous sent vo-tre Slaves. Me understand vous got very bon-ne price for leurs bodies.
Je am now in le Grand City of Philadelphea. "what bon-heur the people of colour enjoy here by leurs honest labour, leurs faces appear cheerfull:" No Villainous Slave holders live here, but le bon-ne Virtuous republicans. Je have heard vous be a Ju-gez; it seems Curios a Slave holder to be in que Station. how strange to see a wretch who sells his fellow Mortals pretend to administer Justice— Vous suppose you are great because named washington. you imagine you may commit crimes with impunitee. "Wretched being le time is comeing when vous have to answer for vo-tre base crimes."
Avarice is vo-tre leading passion, you might ai been esteemed had vous a softened le rigor of leurs fate; to let les stay in la Native Country; till ils would be released by death from ce scene <mutilated>Miserie. La Spanish Pirate is better than vous. ils Rob, sometimes murder; but you send vo-tre fellow mortals to a land of miserie— Oà villains sacrifices le poor victims with le Cowskin. Vile petit villain how can vous look a manly man in le face. vo-tre withered hellish countenance black with le deeds of hell. vous to come among Men of principle: your brains ought to be blown out. vous stinkin Cur.
When Je return to Louisiana, Je will inform les planters what me hear of vo-tre vile Charactar— vous be a proud upstart: No appearance of u-ne Man. La Northern part of la States dont know vo-tre villainy. vous are hated in Alexandria for vo-tre pride. vous wont permit le innocent people to amuse themselves or dance on vo-tre plantation, vous ill natured Animal. adieu Je remain vo-tre implacable enemy.
Urbain Batrier
ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. A note on the cover, in BW's hand, reads, "Augt 1822 Anonymous—and sufficiently impertinent." The letter was forwarded from Mount Vernon to Charlestown on 19 August.