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From Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton

     Your Communication my friend I with great pleasure received a few days ago a private Convayance offers Me an Oppertunity of makeing you my thanks for it, and of sending you a few Yellow beet sead, it is a new species in our gardens and they are very delicate.

     The Bearer an English Gentleman who is traveling thro the United States and is recommended by Mr Barckley wishes the permission to pass thro your Grounds, some traits in his Charecter, I know you will admi[r]e his Piety and Amiableness the former he makes no display off[.] his Companion across the Atlantic gives me this knowledge of him.

     A very unfortunat Occurrance has taken place in this City betwen a Mr Sloughten and Corbin. I hope he is not Connected with Mr Herberts family from the pain that it would Occasion, the thinking and calm part of the Comunity I believe conclude there was not a Desine on his part to take the life of his antagonist, both ware rong, When will Men follow good exampels. your little friend offers you her thanks for the notice you have been pleased to take of her in your letter and begs her remembrance to You. does Mr Herbert never look forward to cuming to this City has he neither business or pleasur[e] to induce him I wish he had for I have moved to the City for the Winter and have a room for him and his Lady, and a nursery, It will give me great pleasure to have them pass some time with me, as to your self I almost despair, I regret to learn that Mrs Washingtons Health is not restored from accounts of last summer[.] I had hoped that she was in the full enjoyment of it, but thus checkerd are the Affairs of this Life with all your goodness and Zeal to make all that are near and cum to your dwelling happy you have this Alloy. With respect to the Africans I hope you have the thirteen[t]h report. you will see how remiss some of the Citicens of the different Nations are and ours among them, pray impress all you can to get a law passed to prevent our peoples makeing [?]of a disgu[i]sed flag that they may not continew this sinfull Trafic, Adieu I wish you the Compliments of the Season may you have many wishes your sincere friend

E. Hamilton

the Bearer Mr Hodgson partner of one of the first houses in liverpool.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. Hamilton addressed the letter to "Judge Washington Mount Vernon Hond by Mr Hodgson." BW endorsed it "Jany 1820."