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To James Alexander Hamilton


     Your letter of the 9th, in consequence of my absence from the City, was not recd 'till yesterday Just as I was going to the Court.

    When your Mother did me the favor of a visit, I examined with the greatest care all the trunks in my possession containing the papers of Genl Washingtons for your fathers letters, which I delivered to your Mother.1 I beg you to assure her from me that As soon as I recieve the remainder of the trunks from Richmond, I will without loss of time go thro them with the same care, and will immediately transmit to her such of your fathers letters as I may find. My wish to oblige her will render this employment a pleasure and the trouble wh[i]ch you offer to take altogether unnecessary. With my best regards to her & your Sister I am very respectfuly Yr mo. ob. Serv.

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ADfS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Family Papers. BW docketed his draft "12 March 1822 Ja. A. Hamilton Copy."

1. BW started to write, "on account of my great respect for the," but crossed it out.