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From Lawrence Lewis

Dear Sir

     Below is Stated an Acct pd by me & which all the Legatees stand charged with. this is exclusive of money paid them on Acct of the money recd of Ship and which I have not stated. the Money was deposited in the Bank of Alexandria, and our joint checks will shew how that has been paid away— I will state H. Lewis A/c. which will shew how all the suit stand.

     Dr Howell Lewis in Acct with the Executors Genl Washington


Nov. 16   % 7 Shares transferd to you in the Bank of   D.C.
Columbia Valued at $40 each   [bracket]                280,00

          % One Potomack Share pr Dl. in the Compt Book

Decr 27   % pd your full proportion of eight Shares of the

Bank of Columbia sold at $40 each [bracket]            13.91

          % Do pd your dividend drawn at the Bank of
Columbia after the Executors of Mrs Martha
Washington had recd their part [bracket]               8.86
          % Do pd you pr Do. drawn on Potomac Shares
after p. Do & clerks fees paid—$1.53 [bracket]         1.53

Cridit is then given for the same.

     I send your Anderson Letter, direct it to New Kent Court House & he will get it immedately. I send it expecting you will have an opportunity of sending it to the Post office sooner than I shall— I have recd no money except from Dundass & Burton— Reardon & Burk live near Colechester. I will send in a day or two for the money— I cannot informe you where Joel Ellice lives but believe near Hepburns Mill. Dulany's money I will collect, I have no recollection of Barrel but will endeavour to find where he lives, I have Rawlins's Bonds & J. Wethers as security, I fear this mony will be lost Rawlins is dead & Wethers worth nothing he is in Alexa and if you think proper I will bring suit against him.

     I have the pleasure to inform you that Mr. Gabriel Lewis has this moment arrived & that the division of the Kanhawa Lands is made— My Accounts with the Estate are mad[e] up, I want a few vouchers which I can easiley get and will then be ready to settle with the Court, will you be so good as to send me a receipt for the $100 paid your Mother & which you have Cridit for in your acct with the Estate. I am Dear Sir yours

Lawe Lewis

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. Lewis wrote "Dr James Patton in Acct with the Estate of Genl Washington" on the cover.