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From Samuel Washington

Dr Sir

     Captain Hammond has expressed a desire for me, to take his share of the Kahnawa Land, that was Left to my Children at his death as I am placed in this business in a delicate situation it is my wish also Capt. Hammond's that you would be kind enough to give us your opinion what compansation he aught to receive for giving up his right to it. I should wish your opinion on the subject in Three ways, firs[t]. If Leased of him for his Life what I aught to pay per year secondly. If purchased what I augh[t] to pay, Thirdly. should he agree to give up the Land what part of the Estate he aught to retain in fee simple as compansation, this Last way I prefer as I am not in a situation to part with money from my own Estate you would do us both a great favour by giving your opinion in writing fully on the subject, also how we aught to proceed so as carry the Intention of my Sisters will a<mutilated>d fully into effect.

     Captain Hammond wishes me also to state to you the unpleasant Situation he is placed in, respecting a draft he gave on the Executors some time part in favour of a Merchant in Baltimore which was refused by them, since which the Man has got verry impatient and Capt. Hammond is fearfull that he will sell his Land which he gave him a Morgage on to secure the payment, he informs me that the Man says he will wait untill the spring of the year, and then receive from the Executors Bonds to the Amount of Capt. Hammonds claim against the Estate, If you think this can be done it will be perfectly agreeable to m<illegible> other plan you can think of to releave him from this unpleasant situation will give me grea[t] Pleasure to assist you in, he has always calculat[ed] on that debt being paid from his Legacy, I should have waited on you with the Captain, but the situation of my Family will not admit of it at this time but will see you immediately on your return from Philedelphia as I wish to see you before I can comply with the request of your Last Letter as I think I can make arrangement so as to satisfy you otherwise than you perpose. I remain Dr Sir With great1 your

Saml Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. The cover is addressed to "The Honorable Judge Washington" and noted as "Fowd by Capt. Hammond} Mount Vernon."

     1. Presumably Samuel meant to write "esteem" or "respect" after the word "great" but left it out.