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To BW and Lawrence Lewis
from John Augustine Washington and Samuel Washington


     Your printed circular letter of the 2d of the present month, was not receiv'd until within a few days past, or it should have been sooner attended to. The reasons offerd in that letter are sufficiently cogent to induce us without hesitation to give our assent that you should be vested with full powers to dismiss the suit against the representatives of Col. Lee, provided the land in question can be sold at $25 per acre, one half to be paid in hand the balance in three equal annual payments, the purchaseer giveing bond with approved security.

     If that cannot be done, we wish (for the sake of bringing the affairs of the estate to a close) that the land should be offerd at Public sale, when probably you might attend, either in person or by attorney, and prevent its being sold much below its real value, by bidding upon it for and in be half of the legaties— Should this be done, we also might have an opportunity of bidding for it (should we be so dispos'd).

     Our reasons among others for wishing this mode to be adopted, is the conviction that land is now at its full value, and will ere long take a fall— In case you should conclude to dispose of it in this way, we hereby vest you with the necessary power and authority (as far as we are interested) to carry the same into effect. We are gentlemen yours most respectfully

Jn A. Washington

Samuel Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. John Thornton Augustine Washington addressed the letter to "The Hon. Judge Washington & Lawrence Lewis esqr." On the cover is written, in BW's hand, the number "J. & Saml Washington Rock Hall."