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To James Reid

Dear Sir

     I forget whether I informed you in my last letter that a Copy of the decree which I then enclosed, was to be served upon the defendants who are of full age & upon the Guardian of the infants— This must be done, and notice of the Survey must also be given.

     To save trouble, you had better apply to the Surveyor to appoint a day for carrying the decree into execution— make out as many Copies of the decree as there are defendants to be served with it, (retaining the one I sent you for the Surveyor) and endorse on them a notice stating the time when the Survey is to be made— have a copy left with each defendant, and on another Copy let an Affidavit be made of the Service, which you will annex to the Surveyor's Report— indeed this Affidavit may as well be endorsed on the office Copy sent you I am Dear Sir yr mo. ob. Sert

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection. BW directed the letter to "James Reid Esq. Dumfries."