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To James Reid

Dear Sir

     Being about to leave home for a considerable time it will be necessary for me to provide the means of supplying my two nephews John & Bushrod Washington, now at School at Mr Oneils with such clothes & other articles as they may stand in need of during my absence.

     If you have no objection to the taking this charge upon yourself, I shall feel myself much relieved by committing this business to your care. Such clothing as may be proper for boys of their age I wish them to have; but for many reasons it has been & is my endeavour to suppress every thing like extravagance. Where clothes & stationary are purchased for them, they will require but a small Sum for pocket mony—say 2 or 3 dollars each per month.

     I will leave directions with Mr Cazenove of Alexa., who is recieving & selling their crops from Jefferson, to pay your account for goods furnished or advances made them whenever you may think proper to send it to him. You may calculate with certainty upon reimbursement whenever it is applied for. I am Dr Sir very respectfully Yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

The Boys are at present in want of a pair of pantaloons each & some pocket handkerchiefs.1

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Manuscripts. The cover was addressed to "James Reid Esq. Mercht Dumfries."

     1. BW heavily struck out another sentence starting with the words, "John is very."