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To Abraham Small


     I recd some time since from the Chief Justice the Copies of the letters of Genl Washington, but too late in the Season to forward them to Phila. by water on account of the danger to be apprehended from the freezing of the rivers— I purpose taking them on with me in March, and it will be proper that we should, in the mean time, agree upon the terms of their publication.

     In the Conversations which have passed between us on this Subject, we advanced no farther than to fix the price to be paid us at one dollar a volume for the whole number of copies which should be printed as a first edition,1 which number you proposed to limit to 2000. All that remain to be settled are the periods of payment & the mode of securing the sum to be paid. An advance of a part of the sum will be required & I propose, for your consideration, that it shall be one fourth at the time the manuscript is delivered to you, another fourth when the 2d volume is printed & the balance in2 four equal semiannual instalments from that (the last mentioned) period to be secured in such manner as we may agree upon & which you can suggest for our consideration.

     I shall be glad to hear from you as soon as you have deliberated on the Subject.

     The Small account which you have against me would have been paid as it was contracted, had I not contemplated3 its discharge by the arrangement which we were about to make respecting the letters— I am Sir respectfully your mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

P.S. The C. Justice thinks there will be 3 volumes.

Source Note

ADfS (photostat), ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection.

1. BW originally wrote "published," but inserted the previous five words instead.

2. Here BW deleted "two years from that period by."

3. BW originally wrote "anticipated."