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From Elizabeth Willing Powel

Dear Sir

     I must beg your Excuse for having so long neglected to execute the little Commission for Mrs Washington. It was some time before Mr Powel received your Letter & I have since that been much indisposed with a Fever & Pain in my Head & Breast— On Enquiry I find that some very handsome white Furr is to be purchased—but as the Season is very far advanced I would reccommend it to your Lady to defer getting it till the Autumn. The Furriers understand preserving it from the Moth much better than Ladies.

     Pray inform me whether you received a Letter & Pamphlet from me in June last— I then wrote to you & sent you the Debates of our Convention. As I knew you were a Member of the Virginia Convention I thought it might be agreeable to you to see in how masterly a Manner Mr Wilson had treated the Science of Government. Mr Armistead undertook to forward this Package. I wish you to get it as it is not an agreeable Thing to have my Scrawls to my Friends in the Hands of Strangers.

     Present me affectionately to your Lady the General Mrs Washington & all the Family at Mount Vernon if they recollect me so far as to enquire after me. I am ever your affectionate Friend

Eliza. Powel

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Elizabeth Willing Powel Manuscripts. The cover was addressed to "Bushrod Washington Esqr." at Virginia.