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To William Augustine Washington

My dear Sir

     The meeting of the Legatees after two days sitting rose yesterday. We resolved to sell amongst ourselves all the property except the Kanawha and Ohio lands, the Kentucky & N. W. territory lands, the Mohawk, Nansemond d[itt]o & the improved Lots in Washington.

The Charles County land sold for                       $4.950

Lotts in Alexa.                                         8 923.19

James river Shares                                      1391

unimproved Lotts in Washington                          2.518

One half of Ashby's bent                                8.614

The other half was sold in April at $10 an acre—say    13.000

Chattins run                                            5.080

Frederick land                                          9.231

184 Acr. in Wormleys line                                 976

Bullskin land                                          30.015

Bath Lotts                                                380

Great Meadows                                           1.170

                                                   $86.257 19/100

The tract at head of Evans Mill, the Hampshire land & the land in Montgomery County were sold in April for nearly what the General valued them at viz. the first tract at £4 per acre, the 2d at $26 & the 3d at $10.55, 1/4th to be paid down on recieving their deeds. Upon the whole I am of opinion that so far as we have gone, the Sales will not fall short above 5 or 6000 $ of the estimated value which is much better than I expected.

     The Sales made on the 6th & 7 Inst. are to be paid for at three annual instalments with interest on such part as exceeds the proportion of the purchasing Legatees.

     As to the Kenhawa & Ohio Lands the Exectrs are to appoint an Agent & Surveyor to go out & lay them off in 23 parts according to quantity & quality & to make report thereof with a plat to the next meeting of the Legatees.

     The above is a Summary of what we have done tho not so full as I wd have furnished if I had not a house full of company.

     I am sorry you never recd a letter I wrote you immediately after my return from the Northward in which I stated my distress at not recieving the amt of your Bill in H. & expressed a hope that the proceeds of the Corn or a great part thereof which Mr Riddle has disposed of was destined for that purpose. I expect in about 10 days to be called upon by Mr Custice for about $1000 & shall be deeply mortified to ask the favor of indulgence from him.

     My former letter was also upon the Subject of Bushrod in which I mentioned that I would write to Docr Smith about him if you requested. I am happy to hear that you & Mrs W. are getting better. I highly approve of your intention to remove to the upper Country. We shall hope to see you here. Believe me ever yr friend & affe.

B. Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Manuscripts.