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To Richard Peters

Dear Sir

The yellow fever in Alexandria prevented me from recieving your favor as soon as I otherwise should have done.

The unpleasant intelligence respecting the prevailing disorder in Phila. is greatly alleviated by the account you give me of your own health. I had hoped that having escaped until this late period, the City would for this season at least have been spared, and I had of course prepared myself for another long Session of our Court. But as things are I do not see that any good could result to suitors from our attempting to do business, and unless this could be effected there is no sufficient equivalent for the risk we should incur. The request of the Gentlemen of the bar confirmed by your Opinion is entirely satisfactory to me & therefore I shall be much obliged to you to attend (if you safely can) & adjourn the Court to the next term. I am Dear Sir very sincerely & respectfully Yrs

Bushrod Washington

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Bushrod Washington Manuscripts. The cover was addressed to Peters at "Belmont‑near Philadelphia."