To Thomas Moore
My dear Sir
I have left the letter to Mr Barbour with you, asking the favour of you to present it, and also to use your influence towards getting the appointment for Mr Macrae. From what I can learn at the war department the success of applicants will depend much on personal application, and I am assured that if the application be made in this way by gov. Barbour our object will be attained. As both capt. Macrae & myself feel greatly interested in getting this appointment I hope you will excuse the trouble we have given you. with much respect & esteem, Yr ob. St
B. Washington
L, NN. The address note, made out "to the hon. Mr Moore," also includes a notation in Moore's handwriting, addressed to Gov. Barbour: "The letter within refer'd to never has been recd— I am not acquanted with the christian name of Mr McCrae he is of Dumfries. Th. Moore."