Richmond Apl 13th 1820
My dear Sir,
I have received your letter requesting to know whether I had formed an opinion on the case which was remanded to the circuit court of Pennsylvania. I regret that I had not formed one. It would give me pleasure to communicate it to you.
I congratulate you on the prospect of a full docket in Jersey & congratulate myself on the prospect of an empty one in North Carolina. The difference is that I come home as soon as the court in North Carolina rises or that you loiter away the whole time between the rising of the court in Jersey1 & the sitting of that in Pennsylvania.
I called on Mr Blair the President of the Bible society who promised me to enquire into your accounts with the Bible society. I told him that you supposed yourself not to be a permanent member. I saw him again the other day & he told me that you were a permanent member & were in arrears for the years 1816, 1817, 1818 & 1819. I requested him to strike your name from the list & to give me the amount of your account, that you had placed money in my hands to discharge it. At the same time I told him that you were a member of the parent society & of one other branch. He thought it perfectly reasonable that you should retire from this.
I was so frozen on the 2d of april that I am scarcely thawed by the mild breezes of yesterday & to day; yet I set out tomorrow for the upper country. Farewell I am your
J. Marshall
ALS, ViW: Marshall Papers. Marshall addressed the letter to BW in Philadelphia. It was postmarked in Richmond on 14 April. BW endorsed the letter.
1. Marshall originally wrote "North" but crossed it out.