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From Henry Lee


Know all Men by these presents that I Henry Lee of the City of Richmond am held and firmly bound unto Bushrod Washington his Executors admtrs and assigns in the sum of Sixteen hundred pounds to be paid to the said Bushrod Washington his executors admtrs or assigns to which payment I bind myself my heirs Exectrs & admtrs firmly by these presents sealed with my Seal and dated this [<2m#>] day of July one thousand seven hundred & Ninety four.

     The Condition of the above obligation <&> such, that if the above bounden Henry Lee shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to James Overton the sum of Eight hundred pounds with all the interest due or which may become due thereon and which is secured by a mortgage upon the Belvidiere Land granted to the said James Overton by Daniel Lawrence Hylton which said Land hath been sold by the said Daniel Lawrence Hylton and wife to the sd Henry and by the sd Henry Lee to <the> said Bushrod Washington and shall well and fully discharge and exonerate the sd Land from the said incumbrance or any other and shall well and truly exonerate and Keep harmless the said Bushrod Washington his heirs Exectr admtr or assigns of and from the sd incumbrance or any other & of & from all damage for & on account of the same then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force & virtue.

Henry Lee

Signed Sealed & delivered in presence ofSaml G. <mutilated>lf

Source Note

ADS, ViMtvL: Historic Manuscript Collection.