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To Lawrence Lewis

Dear Sir

I fear the Kentucky Lands are irretrievably gone; & I think we had better go to no further expence about them. I will however inquire of Judge Tod if Banks' deeds were recorded in time by the Laws of Kentucky.

I think we ought to be cautious in bargaining for the City Lots, & ought at all in only to obtain full information as to their value & the prospect of a rise. I suspect that a rapid appreciation of those situated so near the Capitol is looked for. At all events there is no necessity for hurry & you can answer the gentleman that you can fix no price until your health will permit you to go out & to make enquiries. Wishing you & Mrs. L. a happy new year I am affectly yrs

Bush. Washington

I return you Mr McDonalds letter & keep the other papers.

Source Note

ALS, ViMtvL: Esther Maria Lewis Chapin Collection. Lewis endorsed the letter.