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To Samuel L. Southard

     I recd yesterday, at this place, your favor of the 30th Ulto.— Had it come to hand before I left Mount Vernon, it is highly probable I could have found amongst my papers a rough Copy of the two opinions in the case of Miller vs Mitch— it is now too late to have the search made. These opinions however are copied into my note book volume 17 which is in the hands of Mr Richard Peters Junr of Philadelphia, who, I think it likely, will attend this supreme Court. If you will write to him immediately, & request him, in my name, to bring that vol. with him, or to send it by a safe opportunity I have no doubt that you will receive it. I am Dear Sir very respectfully & sincerely yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, NjP; Samuel L. Southard Papers. On the verso Southard noted that he recieved the letter of 2 Feb "& wrote to R. Peters Junr. Esq."