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From John Nicolson Gibbons

Dear Sir

     Your favour of the 3d inst: in consequence of my absence from town was not recieved ‘till Yesterday. the draft which it covered on the 13th of Virga. for $803 32/100 payable in North Carolina Bank Notes. was duly honoured, and in complyance with your request have exchanged the same for U. States Bank paper and deposited the note proceeds as $PR statement annexed— Say Seven hunded & seventy six Dollars 86/100 to your Credit in the Bank of the United States as you will find by the Cashr’s certificate above. I am with the highest respect Your obt serv.

Jno N. Gibbons

Bush: Washington Esqr in a/c with Jno N Gibbons

By Cash received in No. Carolina Bank Notes for F Lewis' draft on the Bk of Virga at Norfolk for                            $803.32

To Cash paid 2 $PR Cent Disct on the above sum, for United States Bk paper                                $16.06

To my Commision for Collecting and exchanging the above sum 1/4 $PR Cent                                             10.03

To Cash Paid postal                                  37   $26.46


To Luke Wheeler's Certificate of Deposit to your credit in the Bk of the U. States. herein forwarded. sum for         $776.86

Errors & Omissions Excepted Norfo. Decr 27th 1821

Jno N. Gibbons

Source Note

ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family. The letter was postmarked Norfolk, Dec. 27.