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From Robert Barraud Taylor


Upon the receipt of your letter I communicated to the intended purchaser my being impowered to sell, and at same time informed him, that I was offered at the rate of One Hundred dollars more, by Mr Minton, for your undivided third, that he had Offered. I suggested the propriety of their both coming to Norfolk with a view to an arrangement; Till this day, I have received no reply, when Mr Minton Authorized me to say that he would give at the rate of eleven hundred dollars, for the whole of the protracts, of 100 and 20 Acres for your undivided third in Cash and that if Messrs Lewis & Walker were disposed to sell them 2/3 of those tracts, he would purchase that also, at the same rate, but in that case he would require time for part of the money, giving sufficient security and paying interest.

Mr Minton desires me to inquire whether the tract of 600 acres is for sale, and if so, what are the terms. I am respectfully yr obt srt

Robert Taylor

P.S. If you determine to sell your interests, its will save time if you forward the deed, which I will hold till the payts be made. R. B. T.

Source Note

ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family. Lewis and BW both endorsed this letter. Taylor addressed the letter to BW at Mount Vernon, and the letter was postmarked in Norfolk on 1 October.