From Thomas Lewis
Bellefarm March 11th 1804.
Dear Sir,
I did not receive your favour till a month after its date, owing to my absence at Norfolk. I saw Mr. George Ball the 5th inst. and personally delivered him your letter, which I first sealed. He said he should write you on the subject of your letter, but never hinted to me its tenour. I am inclined to believe, from the situation of the family, that they will not be able to furnish funds, to meet your proposition of immediate payment of 1/3d Cash, but sappose it probable, from the rising character of Mr Ball in the profession of the Law, he may give approved bond and security; and could time be granted a little more extensive than you stated, might be enabled from the emoluments of his profession, to make payment of the original purchase money.
Mr Ball & myself are but slightly acquainted, of course I am under no biass; but his activity latterly in business justifies, I think, the foregoing ideas. It would, believe me my dr Sir, confer no small pleasure to call on you, should I ever approach Mount Vernon, and tho' the happiness of spending some days with an old fellow Collegian would be safficient inducement, yet, the pleasure of perhaps getting acquainted with my relation Mr Laurence Lewis, would afford additional gratification in such a visit. I am Dr sir, yrs truly
Tho. Lewis
ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family