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Russel vs. Union Insurance Company

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“This was a policy effected by the plaintiff, for all persons interested, on goods on board the Hibberts, at and from Havana to New, York, to the amount of ten thousand dollars. The vessel and cargo were taken by a British ship of war; and it appearing, that the vessel and cargo belonged to British subjects, that they had been captured and carried into the Havana, and there proceeded against, she was ordered to be delivered up to the original owners, on salvage.

Hurtin vs. Phoenix Insurance Company

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“This was an action on two policies; one on the Monongahela Farmer, and the other on her cargo, from New-York to Gibraltar; the former a valued, and the latter an open policy. The vessel sailed on the voyage insured, and was seized by two Spanish privateers, in the Gut of Gibraltar, and carried into Algesiras, where attempts were made to condemn her cargo, but without success; the cargo consisting of articles in general contraband of war, but within the exceptions of the treaty between Spain and the United States.

Myers Moses vs. The Delaware Insurance Company

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“Action on a policy of goods, on board the Liberty, lost or not lost, at and from Philadelphia to Charleston in South Carolina. The Liberty sailed from Philadelphia, on the 28th or 29th of August 1804, and the policy was signed on the 22d of September 1804. The vessel was found at sea, some time in September, turned bottom upwards. Great part of the cargo was thrown upon an island on the Carolina coast, and was sold, under a sentence of the District Court, and salvage paid thereout.

Lessee of Timothy Hurst vs. Durnell

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“On the 23d of September 1731, an agreement was made between the younger and elder branches of the Penn family; by which the right of government, and soil of the province of Pennsylvania, was confirmed to the younger branch, and' the private rights of the elder branch were confirmed to them. The plaintiff' claims under the elder branch, and lie founds his title on the warrant to William Penn, the second; for 200 acres of Liberty land; to which he was entitled in virtue of his character as first purchaser.


Case Year
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“The defendant was indicted for perjury committed before the commissioners of bankrupts, where, being asked, ‘at what time did you own the brig Abigail, and when did you cease to own her,’ answered, on oath, ‘I cannot tell exactly the time; I believe it was at the latter end of 1799 that I first owned her; I ceased to own her I rather think, in the year 1800.’ Whereas in truth and in fact, the said defendant never did own the said brig at any time during the year 1799, or before or after.

Ogle and Withero vs. Ege

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“The plaintiffs filed their bill on the equity side of the court setting forth that the plaintiff Ogle is the original inventor of a new and useful improvement in the plough, for which he obtained a patent in the year 1818. That in the year 1824, he, by deed, and for a valuable consideration, assigned and conveyed to the other plaintiff all his exclusive right to the said invention, with the liberty of making, constructing, using, and vending the same toothers to be used, in and throughout the state of Pennsylvania, with a power of attorney for those purposes.

Watson vs. Bladen

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“This was an action for the infringement of a patent granted to E. Treadwell, for an improvement in forming and piercing bread, called by him ‘a cracker or biscuit finisher.’ The specification describes the different parts of the machine, amongst which are the circular cutters, the piercers, and the clearers, which cut, pierce, and clear the biscuit at one operation.

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