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Caleb Brewster vs. David Gelston

Case Year
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“This was an action of assumpsit against the defendant, who was Collector of the District of New-York, to recover a portion of a forfeiture which the plaintiff claimed under the collection law, as informer . . . It appeared on the trial, that the brig Rambler from St. Bartholomew’s, was on the 7th day of March, 1812, boarded, and a man put on board of her at Sandy Hook by the revenue cutter Active, under orders from the Collector to send vessels from St. Bartholomew’s bound for Amboy to New-York.

The United States vs. James W. Lent et al

Case Year
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“Error to the District Court for the Southern District of New-York. The plaintiffs declared in the Court below, upon a bond executed by the defendants to the plaintiffs, on the 22d day of August, 1816, in the penal sum of 5,000 dollars, with the following condition. ‘The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the above bounden Lieut. James W. Lent, junr., has been appointed a Battalion Quarter-Master in the corps of artillery, and has accepted said appointment. Now if the said Lieut. James W.

The United States vs. M. M. Noah, Sheriff, &c.

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“Error to the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. The plaintiffs brought an action of debt in the Court below againt the defendant as Sheriff of the city and county of New- York, for the escape of one Joseph Wilson, a prisoner committed to his custody on a capias ad satisfaciendum, at the suit of the plaintiffs. At the trial it appeared that the plaintiffs on the 4th of May, 1819, issued a ca.

John R. Lucas et al vs. Robert Morris et al

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“Comfort Sands, a bankrupt, and one of the defendants in this cause, has interposed a plea in abatement to the jurisdiction of this Court, alleging, that all the matters and causes of complaint in the plaintiff's bill of complaint contained, belong exclusively to the Judge of the District Court of the Southern District of the state of New-York.”

Golden vs. Prince

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“This is an action brought upon a bill of exchange drawn by the defendant, on the 10th of May 1811, at St. Barts, for value received there, in favour of the plaintiff, on himself, at Philadelphia, 90 days after sight, which was regularly noted for non-acceptance, and protested for non-payment. This action was brought on the 4th of May 1812; to which the defendant pleaded in bar, his discharge, under a law of this state, passed on the 13th of March 1812, for the relief of insolvent debtors; obtained provisionally on the 23d of April, and finally on the 29th of May 1812.

Fairchild vs. Shivers

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“Rule upon the plaintiff to show his cause of action, and why the defendant should not be discharged on common bail. The plaintiff showed as the cause of action, a judgment obtained by him, against the defendant, in the state of New York, on the 13th of February 1804, upon a contract entered into in that state, in August 1801.”

Couscher vs. Tulam

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“This was an action of account, which, by the agreement of the attorneys, was referred to auditors named by themselves, to examine the accounts of the parties as under the judgment quod computet, with all the powers and rights that would belong to auditors appointed by the court. The auditors reported, ‘that after hearing the parties, and examining the vouchers produced, they award that the plaintiff has no legal demand at present against the defendant.”

Dederer vs. The Delaware Insurance Company

Case Year
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“This action was brought on two policies of insurance, dated March and May 1806, on the ship Romulus, and on her freight, both valued: the former at and from New-York to Havana, and back again to New-York (a). On her return she was captured by a British privateer, the captain of which assigned, as the cause of the capture, that war was either declared, or would soon take place, between Great Britain and the United States. All the hands were taken out of the Romulus, but the captain, the mate, and a boy; who, under a prize-master and hands, were sent to Halifax.

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