The enclosed letter was brought here some days ago.
Your are very welcome to a part of the Guinea—or Chinese Hogs which you saw at my Mill— But it is necessary to inform you, that except the Sow which you might have seen in a pen & her Pigs wch were running about it, I ha… Continue Reading From George Washington, 10 Feb. 1796
I have not read over the report of the Hab. Corp. case decided in the supreme Court, as pub[l]ished in the National intelligencer & other papers; but I presume it to be correct.
I have to acknowledge the rect of your favor of the 3d accompanied by the bill "further to extend the Judicial System of the U.S."
My friend Mr William Herbert is desirous of obtaining an appointment in the marine Corps, or failing there, in the Army.
Mr Ashton has enclosed me a power of Atty from his Sister Ann Ashton & requested the 4th part of a Share of the property sold to which She is entitled, to be sent to him.