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United States vs. Stevens

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“The first count in the indictment was for confining the captain, and the second for an assault on board of a vessel belonging to citizens of the United States, with a dangerous weapon. Both offences are charged to have been committed on the high seas, in the outer road off the port of St Domingo. The master gave in evidence that, whilst the vessel was lying in the port of St Domingo, and in the inner road, he was hastily passing the mate at night, and might unintentionally have touched him with his arm.

Young vs. Pott

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“The bill states that the plaintiff and defendant entered into a written agreement for a purchase, by the former, from the latter, of a certain tract of land, for which he was to receive a good title, and was to pay a certain sum by instalments. That the plaintiff was put into possession, but the defendant having refused to convey the land according to his contract, and having brought an ejectment against the plaintiff to recover the land, which was removed from the state court to this, he prays for a specific performance, and for an injunction.

Rogers vs. Abbot, &c.

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“Upon a motion for an injunction to restrain the defendant from making and vending the plaintiff’s improvement for which he had obtained a patent, the court required the plaintiff to subjoin to his bill a special affidavit of the truth of the allegations of the same; and that he is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the true and original inventor and discoverer of the improvement for which he had obtained his patent; and that the same had not, to his knowledge or belief been in use, or been described in any public work, anterior to his said invention and discovery.

Bradford vs. Geiss

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“The plaintiff excepted to the answer, so far as it denied that the defendant had any knowledge of the facts alleged in the bill to which the answer applied, without adding that he had no information or belief of the facts. The court decided the exception to be well taken, and ordered the defendant to put in a better answer.”

Mayer, Administrator of Lewis Benner vs. Jacob Foulkrod et al. Administrators of George Foulkrod

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“The bill states that John A. Holt, by his last will, devised all his real estate to his wife during her life, and after her decease, that the profits of the same should be enjoyed by his daughter, Catherine Sheneck, during her life; and after her death the said real estate to be sold by his executors, and the money thence arising to be equally divided amongst the grandchildren of the testator then living, share and share alike, except his grandson, Michael Cooper, who was to have two shares.

Glenn vs. Humphreys - Swift vs. Same

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“Rule upon the plaintiffs to show their cause of action, and why the defendant should not be permitted to appear on common bail, having been discharged as an insolvent under the laws of the state of Maryland. The case was as follows: Swift, being a debtor to the United States in a considerable sum, applied to the secretary of the treasury to be discharged as an insolvent, upon surrendering all his estate to the United States, agreeably to the provisions of the act of congress.

United States vs. Joseph Haskell and Charles Francois

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“This was an indictment containing four counts. First, for making a revolt; second, for piratically and feloniously running away with the vessel and goods to the value of $50; third, for laying violent hands on the captain to hinder his fighting in defence of his vessel; and fourth, yielding up the vessel to a pirate.

United States vs. William White, John White and Isaac Johnson

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“This was an action of debt brought in the district court by the United States against the- defendants, upon a bond given by them to the United States, in the penalty of $5000. The district attorney, at the return term of the writ, entered up a judgment by default for the penalty, without assigning breaches, or calling for a plea, and issued a fieri facias for that sum, endorsed ‘$3373.

United States vs. Robert Fairclough

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“This was an action of debt brought in the district court against the defendant, master of the Placidia, a foreign vessel, to recover the penalty of $500, under, the fifty-seventh section of the duty law, 1 Story’s Laws, 624, for an alleged disagreement between the cargo on board and that reported in the manifest; there being found concealed on board twenty kegs of white lead more than were mentioned in the manifest. The jury found a verdict stating.

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