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From Caleb Parry Wayne, 12 Sept. 1803


Dr. Sir.

By a Mr. Wessels of Baltimore, who goes to that city in the Mail Stage of this day, I have sent to the care of Mr. G. Hill, Bookseller, Minots History, in 2 vols. with a request that he will immediately forward them, to Alexandria, as directed. I have written to David Poe Jun. P. Master Up. Marlboro Md, Four times & cannot get an answer from him relative to the Sunscribers he has obtained. This day I shall take a house for my Office. I have made a [illegible] contract for a Supply of Paper. Mr. Morgan has written to you.

To Caleb Parry Wayne, 6 Sept. 1803


Dear Sir

I have Just time to acknowledge your letter of the 29th Augt. & to request that you will have the goodness to send me both vol. of Minot's hist.1 by stage (directed to the care of Joshua Riddle Alexa) in case you should meet with some person coming on who will take charge of them. I will pay you this month when I see you in Phila.

I shall expect to hear from Mr Morgan – I thank you for the publication from the Lancaster paper & Am very sincerely yrs   

To Caleb Parry Wayne, 19 Nov. 1802


Dear Sir

I now enclose you a certificate that you have purchased the American copy right to the life of Gen Washington, tho' with the contract in your pocket, I can hardly conceive how this can be necessary. I presume the best way will be for you to have this certificate subjoined to your proposals which are inserted in the different papers. This will be better that to let it appear as an independent thing, which would seem to imply that your right had been questioned, altho you had asserted it. 

To Caleb Parry Wayne, 21 Oct. 1802


Dear Sir

I got here this evening, & immediately afterwards recd your note. As I am extremely impatient to pursue my Journey, I must beg the favor of you to meet me in the morning at Grays ferry, which I presume will be equally convenient to you as this place. I shall leave Frankfort in the morning about 5 O'clock, and expect to be at the ferry about 7. This will go by express car by enough to enable you to meet me by that hour. I am respectfully yrs 

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