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The Memorial of the American Colonization Society

To the Honorable [<2m#>]

     The American Colonization Society has been enabled by the liberal patronage of their fellow-citizens of the several states, (and it numbers among these friends and contributors many of the citizens of [<2m#>]) to explore the coast of Africa to find an asylum to which the free coloured population of our country might be safely removed.— The annual reports of their proceedings, (accompanying this memorial) will show what their labours have effected.

To William Griffith, 18 March 1824


My dear Sir 

     I recd, sometime during the last month, your favor of the 20th of January, which I should have acknowledged immediately, if its contents had seemed to require it, and if I had not supposed that my letter to your daughter upon the same Subject would be promptly communicated to you. I can say nothing more at present but to repeat the assurances given to her of my earnest wish to serve you in this, or in any other way in my power, and of the zeal with which I shall exert myself to do so when the occasion alluded to shall offer.

To Lafayette, 22 Aug. 1825


My dear Sir

     Since the date of my last letter to you, my family has been visited by an infliction of divine Providence, which, 'tho to us seemingly severe, was, no doubt, designed for beneficent purposes. In the course of about 12 hours, my cherished & beloved niece has been bereaved of an affectionate husband & two children.

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