To Caleb Parry Wayne
Mount Vernon Decr 22. 1803
Dear Sir
Your favor of the 16 came to hand this evening as did also one from the Chief Justice covering the title page & preface to the history. I communicate to him by this post your sentiments respecting the proper period at which to close the 1st. vol. and also as to the name of the Author being inserted, upon both which points I entirely concur in opinion with you. I have therefore urged the necessity of adopting them. – But as he has commenced his Journey to Raleigh, my letter must follow him there, & of course I cannot expect his answer in less than 8 or 10 days. The moment I recieve it you shall hear from me, at which time the title & preface shall be sent you. – By that time too, I hope to have concluded with Morgan, one way or the other — I am indifferent which. – I presume upon the whole that early in Jany you may expect to begin your labours – In haste but very Sincerely yrs
B Washington
ALS, PHi: Dreer Collection; Address on verso: "C. P. Wayne Esq Philadelphia"; Docketing on verso: "Dumfries 25th Decr —"