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To Caleb Parry Wayne

Dear Sir

I have Just time to acknowledge your letter of the 29th Augt. & to request that you will have the goodness to send me both vol. of Minot's hist.1 by stage (directed to the care of Joshua Riddle Alexa) in case you should meet with some person coming on who will take charge of them. I will pay you this month when I see you in Phila.

I shall expect to hear from Mr Morgan – I thank you for the publication from the Lancaster paper & Am very sincerely yrs   

Bushrod Washington

Source Note

ALS, PHi: Dreer Collection; Address on verso: "C. P. Wayne Esq Philadelphia"

1. George Richards Minot, The History of the Insurrections, in Massachusetts, In the Year MDCCLXXXVI, and the Rebellion Consequent Thereon (1788).