From George Ball
Feb. 15. 1805. Urbanna
Dr Sr
yours of 15 Jan. I recd, a few days since at the Gloucester post office— I should have writen you much sooner but continued to hope that you would hear from Me to more effect— I lament that it has not been in my power to comply with the promise I made you— I made that promise in expectation of geting the money upon a Judgmt I had obtain'd but the party against whom it was have found means Still to delay me— I cannot however feel any reluctance in complying with the alternative contain'd in the proposition in my lettr of the last year. and am ready if you think proper to yield the possession of the land.
but if it is still not in inconvenient I would be glad to accept of more time, and I would hope that this year could make no difference as in the event of my not being able, I would be accountable for the profits— I shall be glad to hear from you on the subject. I am respectfully yours
Geo. Ball—
ALS, ViU: Papers of Notable Virginia Families. BW endorsed the letter.