To Jared Sparks
Mount Vernon June 14th 1827
Dear Sir
I duly recd your favor of the 4th from Phila. and within a few days thereafter, I had the balance of the papers packed in a box, and sent to Alexandria, where they arrived Just in time to be put on board to the schooner Alexandria as she was leaving the wharf. I shall not feel entirely at ease until I hear of the safe arrival of both parcels, which be so good as to announce to me as soon as the event is known.
Your letters to Mr Justice Story have excited but one sentiment every where, so far as I can understand, and that, the most favourable to your undertaking. Publick curiosity is highly wound up, and will, I doubt not, be most abundantly gratified when the work comes out. Publick confidence in the plan of the work, and the talents of the editor, is certainly great & universal, I have no apprehension that any thing can occur to weaken it. Believe me very sincerely my dear sir your faithful & obt Servt
turn over—
Bush Washington
P.S. I shall be happy to hear from you now & then when you have the time to spare
[on back of document]
I am requested by Mr Thos Green of Richmond to send him copies of any letters from Genl W. to Genl Andrew Lewis after the spring of 1777 respecting his Genl Lewis continuing in the service which it is supposed Genl W. pressed him to do when he contemplated resigning in consequence of some mortification he, Mr L. had experienced . It is believed that Genl W. instead of recieving his resignation permitted him to retire, tho in service, & if this can be proved by any letter from Genl W. it will entitled the family of Genl L. to a considerable bounty in land. In going through the papers, should you meet with such a letter or letters, please employ some person to copy them & I will pay for taking them or see it paid. The copies you will please send to me. I fear whilst you have the papers in your possession you may be plagued by similar applications from other persons. But you must not sacrifice any portion of your time in searching for papers, nor can copies be expected without paying the person who takes them.
ALS, MH: Jared Sparks Personal Papers. BW addressed the letter to Sparks in Boston. Sparks endorsed it with the date 20 June.